In January we will visit various universities in Denmark to tell you more about the program, application process and to present the selected scientific projects.

This is also your chance to meet representatives from the program and to ask all the questions you might have.

Aalborg:                 Monday January 7th at 16.00, Auditorium 1.002
Institut for Kemi og Biovidenskab, Fredrik Bajers Vej 7H

Aarhus:                  Tuesday January 8th at 10.00, Room 1532-116 (G1)
Ny Munkegade 120

Odense:                 Tuesday January 8th at 16.00, Room O96
SDU, Campusvej 55

Copenhagen: Monday January 14th at 12.15 (DTU, Lyngby), Auditorium 49, building 303A, DTU, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Monday January 14th at 16.00 (KU Science) Room 4.0.24
BioCenter, Ole Maaløes Vej 5